Audio Activations

To understand is empowering 😌 Safety is the key

When we feel unsafe our mind switches into survival mode robbing us of our creativity and problem solving skills. If you feel anxious on the netball court as a player or an official you risk switching into survival behaviour - fight, flight or freeze. By using Mazing Minds subconscious activations you will be programmed to feel calm, capable & creative .

Is your internal voice your greatest opposition?

How can you turn this voice into your greatest supporter?

The Notable Netballer is a sports performance activation that supercharges your netball mindset and turns up the volume on your inner dialogue, to maximise your experience on the netball court. All aspects of the game are covered including defence, attack, positioning and performance. Program your mind for confidence and enjoyment to support you throughout every game.

Simply listen to this audio daily, as you're going to sleep, for 30 days. You will be creating new habits of thought and building on them over time to anchor in a winning mindset. You will have a renewed perspective on your match play and a kind, encouraging, empowering voice in your head.

Would you rather be playing netball

than be sidelined with an aching ankle?

I can't remember how many times I sprained my ankle as a young player. I just believed that I had dodgy ankles and I wore ankle guards for years.

The truth is that our bodies are designed to heal and we can trust our bodies to do that. When we change our limiting beliefs around injury into empowering beliefs around healing and recovery we see incredible results.

By listening to this healing activation you will be supercharging your healing. If your mind is fighting your body because you are using injury language like 'my weak ankles', the healing is sooooo slow. However, agile ankles are just around the corner as your mind is being commanded with healing messages and rewired with visions of agility.

Rewiring your mind by listening to the activation for 30 days will see a positive change to your psyche, reducing the likelihood of further injury and enhancing your healing process. This is then locked into your subconscious (automatic) mind saving you an enormous amount of conscious effort and time out from injury! Brilliant 🙌🏼

Would you rather be playing netball

than being sidelined with a nuisance knee?

Imagine being able to supercharge your healing

and have nimble knees in no time . . . 😲

Knee injuries are synonymous with netballers. I joined the 'netball knees' club after rupturing my ACL during a fast rebound netball game. Interestingly, the reconstruction surgery I had is not the only option these days. It has been discovered that the knee can often repair itself after an ACL injury.

The truth is that our bodies are designed to heal and we can trust our bodies to do that. When we change our limiting beliefs around injury into empowering beliefs around healing and recovery we see incredible results.

By listening to this healing activation you will be maximising your potential to heal from knee injury. If your mind is fighting your body because you are using injury language like 'my injured knee', the healing is sooooo slow.

However, nimble knees are just around the corner as you allow your mind to command healing with clear, specific messages. You will be rewiring your mind with visions of mobility and discovering how willingly your body responds ✨

You might be wondering . . .

Why would I use a subconscious activation?

Our minds and bodies are connected from the cellular level right up to our thoughts. By listening to an audio activation you are connecting what you think consciously to your automatic programming. Think of a computer. Our conscious thoughts are like what we type onto our desktop. Our subconscious memories, beliefs are what is saved and stored on our hard drive or the cloud, for easy access later.

Do I really have to listen to it for 30 days?

Only if you want the maximum benefit! You master doing new things after your've practiced. You don't become proficient at riding a bike, learning your times tables or how to cook without lots of practice. You mind is the same.

Can my mind really help with healing?

You bet it can! It can also delay healing or even bring on symptoms. Your mind doesn't know the difference between what is real or imagined. By commanding your body to repair through healing activations you are making it really clear what you want. Your mind is preprogrammed to give you what you want, so give it clear instructions with these audios.

Can you personalise an activation for me?

I sure can. Sports Injuries: There are so many ways our bodies can be injured so a personalised recording will address your specific physical situation. However, physical issues that don't stem from an actual event can be our body's way of getting our attention. When we don't listen to our body it has to turn up the intensity. What do I mean? Think of a person who doesn't feel welcome in their sports team. That little feeling of angst can turn into a tummy ache very quickly which stops them playing.

Sports & Exercise: There is no one way to play a game or work out so a personalised audio can be tailored to your specific goals for the sport you play or the exercise routine you follow. It can target what you want to focus on.

How do I know if it's working?

Change happens in several ways. Some people notice an immediate change to how they are feeling after only listening for a few days. Subtle changes also accumulate over time, a reaction here and there, an action that feels surprising or different. The most noticeable change usually becomes obvious when you look back over time and realise that you are doing and feeling things that you weren't aware of before listening to the audio. Perhaps it is improvements in your game play you can see.

You do need to listen for 30 days to ensure you are giving your mind every opportunity to create this new habit of thinking.

If you feel resistance to listening this is an indication that you need some coaching or a deeper therapeutic dive to source the root cause of the resistance that may be affecting other areas of your life too.

What if I don't play netball or do any sport but I would like joint support?

The healing activations are not netball specific, they target the joint and the healing. You mind will accept the messages because your body has been designed to heal and the words focus on healing.

Do you have personal goals around your

specific position on the team or a part of your game

you want to strengthen?

We often know our needs better than anyone else or have particular aspirations for ourselves. If you want to supercharge your progress you can order a personalised sports performance audio.

As a dedicated defender what are the strategies that you want to be automatic to your game, that feel so second nature to you that you don't even think about them? As a shooter, despite all your successful goals, if you beat up on yourself when you miss a few then you (and your team!) would benefit from you having a personalised recording that supports your shooting role.

Perhaps you've moved into elite sport and you want to anchor in that voice in your head that says you are worthy and deserve your spot in the team.

NB If you use sports or exercise to distract you from the overthinking associated with anxiety, or you use intense training and playing to crowd out the chaos in your mind, a 1 : 1 therapeutic approach is recommended. We can then address the root cause of your pain and supercharge your sports performance.

Perhaps you have a sports injury somewhere

other than your knee or ankle . . .

Netballers injure fingers, wrists, calves and shoulders too. By targeting your specific injury you can accelerate your healing and collapse time in getting back onto the court.

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