These are 'mates rates' for everyone.
Post Intake Consult - up to 1 hour
RTT Session online - 2 hours
Personalised Transformation Recording
Text/email contact 30 days post session
Wrap up session - up to 1 hour
One single session can often resolve specific issues like fear of flying, public speaking, fear of cats, confined spaces or perhaps giving up sugar or the midweek wine.
Trauma that has been unattended for years compounds and can show up in a range of ways. As we peel away one layer and you open up your understanding you may gain access to deeper issues, which we can then address.
Several sessions over time can truly release you from the impacts of suppressed and accumulated life events manifesting in addictions, PTSD, OCD for example. However 2-3 sessions is optimal for issues around anxiety, depression, weight, fertility and physical issues.
Your healing journey is unique to you. There is no right or wrong as we bring curiosity, compassion and patience to the process.
Coaching works best as a bundle as each session builds on the last. Shifts often happen between sessions as you are processing and putting strategies into practice.
Coaching Bundle - 10 x 1 hour
Coaching Bundle - 5 x 1 hour
Coaching Session - 1 hour
Standalone sessions - booked as needed, compliment hypnotherapy or
previous coaching work.
Professional, business and career coaching are encompassed in life coaching.
You bring your personal skills, experience and mindset into your workplace everyday.
Separating the business from the person is like separating the mind from the body.
Everyone starts from a different place, so we begin with an online session suitable for your family. The way this is structured is personalised - 1:2 where both partners are on board or
1:1 with one partner, usually the overwhelmed but inspired one followed by the hesitant partner or not.
Committing to a coaching bundle provides continuity and accountability and is ideal for kicking off the Fair Play game in your home.
Once we've established the rules of Fair Play and set it up for your family we work through powerful strategies to open you up to a different way of looking at life beyond paid work.
Utilising the Flexi Fund is a fabulous way to stay connected without committing to a full hour of your time or for the little questions that come up as you are living the Fair Play experience.
Fair Play Online Coaching - 1 hour
Mazing Minds has a dynamic approach to aftercare. To ensure my clients feel comfortable contacting me any time beyond our 'official' appointments I offer the Flexi Fund option, where clients can prepay for an hour and spend it as they choose until the hour is exhausted - as text threads, calls or online meetings.
The work we do opens up your mind and this continues to happen after we've worked together. The traditional model is a 'one size fits all' - if you want to touch base you have to schedule an hour long meeting. This locks you in when you might just want to spend 15 mins gaining some clarity around a recent situation or realisation.
If you want to text or call to share or to celebrate it won't be logged, just the coaching 🤗
Flexi Fund - 1 hour
Therapy addresses issues that paralyse you and prevent you from moving forward, whereas coaching supports clients in taking immediate action.
At Mazing Minds, we offer a great deal of flexibility. We can combine transformational hypnotherapy and coaching to target what is most important for you.
If it takes every ounce of energy just to eat, get to work, and survive; if you are under-slept and merely turning up without truly tuning in, then therapy will help release you. Our minds are hardwired to move towards what is familiar. Familiar thought patterns, though life-draining, can keep you stuck for years. Transformational hypnotherapy is powerful and effective, often producing dramatic results. It works with the infrastructure of our mind to bring a sense of ease into your life. When you understand how your mind has been programmed to work, you become empowered and creative.
Once you achieve a sense of ease, you can take practical steps towards progressing your goals, relationships, and experiences. Coaching begins with the belief that solutions are available to you right now. Greater well-being and happiness come from the ability to take smart and creative actions in life.
Coaching is not meant to replace therapy; it is a distinct, practical approach to support clients in achieving emotional clarity, both personally and professionally. Subtle changes in your thinking and awareness often occur between sessions as the strategies build on each other. The coaching program culminates in concrete action plans.
Reinforcing subconscious work with conscious work activates multiple parts of your brain, materialising and enhancing deep shifts.
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